
attract great people!

Great Employee Benefits


Experienced benefit consulting, strategic planning, and 24/ 7 customer service.



A good benefit program is the best way to recruit top talent, but good benefits can be expensive, complicated, and difficult to manage. Our high-touch and high-tech approach gets you away from benefits administration and back to your business. 


Our team of award winning agents will guide you every step of the way. We will help you build a best-in-breed benefit program that focuses on quality benefits, decreased administration, and cost savings.

The best benefits at the lowest price


Insurance for your business should be transparent, cost-efficient, and easy to manage. Get free quotes from a Rick Bailey & 公司 broker for:


  • Health Insurance 

  • Dental Insurance 

  • 愿景 Insurance

  • Life Insurance

  • Short or Long-Term Disability

  • Critical Illness, Accident or Gap

  • Identity Theft or Legal Plans

  • Pet Insurance

  • 和更多的!


Request your free, personalized proposal



Other benefits and payroll deductions.


Employee benefits do not stop at health insurance. Inrollit will communicate perks to your employees and collect data for payroll deductions:


  • 金融服务管理局 

  • 保险公司

  • 401(k)

  • Car allowances

  • Travel reimbursements

  • Commuter benefits

  • 和更多的



Saving money is fun, right? Take advantage of special programs and incentives with Rick Bailey & 公司.



  • 咨询 services instead of insurance commissions

  • Self-funded plans

  • Captive programs 

  • Discounted dental & vision plans

  • Guarantee issue life, long-term care, & disability plans

  • Prescription 折扣

  • Free wellness initiatives

  • Free chronic disease management 

  • Health advocate

  • 护士行

We will add all your benefits to our easy-to-use system. Say goodbye to administration headaches!



  • Private benefits marketplace

  • Smartphone app for HR and employees

  • Paperless benefit enrollment

  • Data sent directly to payroll and insurance companies

  • Life event compliance triggers

  • Cost forcasting

  • Deadline reminders

  • Real-time reports

  • Consolidated 计费

发送ing benefit & payroll information from one place to another used to be difficult.

But not anymore.



You need more than a knowledgeable insurance broker and great technology.

You also need to make processes more efficient, save time and prevent mistakes. 


Rick Bailey & 公司 has got you covered! We will securely send data collected in your system to 

insurance companies, payroll, 眼镜蛇, and the IRS. Now, employees can use our self-service portal and have access to 

 policy support. Our dashboards and reminders prevent costly mistakes and free up your time. 


Our award winning agents create a personalized strategy for your business. 


Rick Bailey & 公司 insurance brokers will discuss your goals, explain market trends, and develop a three-year financial plan for your company.  We will become the consulting arm of your business and partner with you to reach your goals. Then we will give you all the tools to stay compliant and resources to stay informed.









We're not just high-tech. We're high-touch, too. 


You can count on Rick Bailey & 公司 to provide everything from HR consulting & training webinars to on-site enrollment meetings and 24 hour a day customer service.



Benefit Consultants


  • Complete market 分析

  • Special plans & 折扣

  • Insurance carrier negotiations

  • Benchmarking & program 分析

  • Cost-saving strategies

  • ACA & ERISA compliance

  • Claims 分析 & underwriting

Relationship Managers


  • Benefits, payroll, 眼镜蛇 questions

  • 联邦 & state compliance

  • Claim escalations

  • Employee surveys

  • Quarterly program review

  • Weekly communication

  • HR Training webinars

Policy Concierge


  • Enrollment assistance

  • Understanding benefits

  • Negotiating lower medical bills

  • Claim filing & 计费

  • Provider network & 推荐

  • Prescription assistance

  • 24/7 customer support

Ready to dig deeper into cost-saving strategies for your Employee Benefit program? 


It all begins with a conversation. An RBC broker can review your current plan designs and contracts to see how we can save you money while offering great benefits and services to your team.


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